I melt with you
I melt with you

I’ll stop the world and melt with you “I Melt with You,” artwork by Vaughan Oliver

#I melt with you how to

He showed me how to stand in front of a microphone and just talk into it, so that’s how you get that almost spoken word thing, which is what I think is kind of the charm of it, I suppose.” “I wrote the words, but I never actually stood next to a mic and talked into it before. “He put them all in an order, and that’s how the musical side of it came about with the lyrics,” shares Grey. Grey says that after their rehearsals with the producer, they had all these fragments of music and didn’t know what to do with them, but Jones helped the band configure them into songs, including the parts of “I Melt with You.” We used to call them pieces, little bits of music we’d stick together, almost like we were glueing it.” “At the time, we did not write songs that went verse, chorus, verse, chorus. “He came to see us play, and he heard all our noisy stuff,” says Grey. Under the tutelage of producer Hugh Jones, who had already worked with Echo & the Bunnymen, Simple Minds, and The Damned at this point, the band pieced together the final arrangement around “I Melt With You,” right down to the indelible break of Hmmm hmmm hmmm. We never really thought about it, so it was really exciting to do.” We never used acoustic guitars before or string arrangements, but that’s the first time on After the Snow. “We didn’t want to keep going over the same ground, so when the producer joined, he started to bring melody to the table. “I Melt With You” marks the band’s shift from the noisier punk of their earlier singles and 1981 debut Mesh & Lace-the title also referenced in the song-to the more new wave pop of After the Snow. It has to do with the climate, because you spend a lot of time indoors.” I’m pretty sure that’s the reason you get a lot of good music from here. When you live in England, there’s a lot grey. “What I’ve always tried to do with the pop songs is put some dark stuff in there. “It does feel like the world is coming to an end, doesn’t it?” ponders Grey, who says he tends to lean on the darker side when it comes to pop songs. Cusping Modern English’s 1982 sophomore release After the Snow, Grey’s momentary creative inebriation resulted in one of the most infectious pop anthems, and the calamitous tale of love still resonates nearly 40 years later. Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace I saw the world crashing all around your face The message: Make love as the world dissolves and melt into one. I sat down on the floor of my flat in London, a cheap place in the housing association, and wrote the verse just straight off in about 10 minutes.” As the stream of lyrics flooded out in apocalyptic visions and other imaginary states, there was “I Melt With You.” “It was during the day, I remember it really well. “I was definitely stoned when I wrote it,” says Robbie Grey. The writers behind the classic, “I Melt With You,” share how it came to be.

I melt with you